With EduMaker you can develop your
online training program

Become an author, develop educational content and make sure to use our extensive library of training materials!

We offer you to:
Become an author of your own online educational course and develop its content.
Develop your own training programs for students of the educational portal EduMaker.ru. You can also offer us your services in content development. Let us know if you are interested and we'll email you a list of topics for which we need authors and teachers.
Put your content on sale
Your lecture materials, video lectures, presentations or any other educational materials of EduMaker.ru platform. Materials can be uploaded in Word, Pdf, Txt, Jpg, PPP, Video, Exl and other formats. The platform is also designed for educational organizations looking for teachers and authors for courses and individual academic disciplines. Your content will be listed in an extensive catalog of our platform library.
Become an online trainer
Our experts will help you to set a teacher portfolio. Your personal account on the platform will include a simple training course for online trainers and users of EduMaker.ru.
Use our library of training materials
UUse library's educational materials for your tutorials (over 100 directions and topics). Today, there are more than 100 experts, teachers and trainers in our database of software developers.
Latest technologies
You can train up to 3,000 people at the same time on any Internet computer device. Materials can be viewed, downloaded and saved. User access is secure and unique.
Conduct webinars and online examinations! Include such features as testing and translation of practical exercises.
Functionality and simplicity
Manage access for students, moderators, administrators and teachers, check test tasks, get statistics on amount of views and class attendance!
24/7 technical support
Experts of our technical support are there to help you solve any issue within an hour, they will also help you learn how to use all the platform features.